Okay, so this is my umpteenth apology for not doing my job in the blogging world. I can't believe it has almost been a year since my last blog! Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me. I know many of you have asked me when I would update this and my intentions were always good, but somehow life got in the way. I'm hoping most of you can relate..
Regarding where I last left off.....I was so fortunate to return home last summer to visit family and friends. It was a VERY busy trip that brought much laughter and many tears. I know I have said this before, but I am truly blessed by the people in my life.
After I returned back to my beautiful Kenya, I was full force into working and attending grad school via online at the Sam Houston State University. I am getting my Masters in Literacy so I can feel more legite in my Reading Lab :) . Shortly after beginning work and my Masters, I found out I had to have surgery on my ovaries. I am fine but it ran me mad for about 5 weeks due to inactivity. It turned out to be a bigger surgery than expected and I had to stay low for longer than I thought. Thanks to a very understanding professor, I didn't lose my mind with worry or anxiety fearing I might have to drop out of the masters program. In fact, I received an A for the semester! Thank you Lord!
After both semesters ended with school and work, it was time for the holidays in which my best friends, The Adams, and my mom and dad Fred came to visit. For a month I was in heaven. It truly was great to be around family and friends. God really showed Himself strong through wonderful times of worship (Marianne led worship at our church) and through the love we received and shared with many wonderful people. My parents were truly touched by the people of our church and I know that they will never forget their experience. Not to mention the crazy driving in which my mother uncontrollably made comments and great gasps throughout the entire 3 weeks :) You have to see it to believe it...I'm used to the mayhem though. But apparently I am not allowed to drive their car if I return home this summer.... hopefully they will have a change of heart :)
As of now, I am back at work and in my second semester of grad school. Please pray for me that I would not get so overwhelmed. Also, I ask that you pray for my sweet friend Dorcas who goes to my church. God is doing so much in her life. She is back from ministering in Sudan where she was for a year. She is weary and is resting here for awhile. She came back to nothing. I found out she was staying at a friend's house in the slums and it killed me after visiting her dark toxic smelling shanty. Here is a woman who labours for the Lord and she comes back to no home. But God has opened up doors and has provided for her. I (along with a friend) have felt compelled to help sponsor her a new place to live in. I am trying to talk the landlord down a bit on the price so please pray for us for God's wisdom in this and His provision. Also, please pray that this new chapter in her life here in Nairobi is a time of refreshing and vision for her. Mom and Fred got to meet her and can account for her wonderful heart for the Lord.
It is good to finally catch you all up. I welcome your responses or any questions that you might have.
Love to you all!