I love this picture. I took it this past Spring and really saw a vivid picture of how God wants us to see circumstances in our lives. This bird is resting on the branches of an Acacia tree. The thorns are sharp. They hurt and are very similar to the crown of thorns our Saviour wore so that we would know Him. This bird to me symbolizes the beauty and stillness of the Lord. He is there pictured amidst the thorns. Does your life seemed to be filled with thorns? Does your life seem like it is too much and that you feel overwhelmed by your circumstances? How many times have I felt this? Too many. Trust and know that He is everpresent in the middle of your trials, in the middle of what seems like the valley of death - He is there and will not leave you. Rest and take comfort in Him. Psalms 112: 6-8 Such a man will not be overthrown by evil circumstances. God's constant care of him will make a deep impression on all who see it. He does not fear bad news, nor live in dread of what may happen. For he is settled in his mind that Jehovah will take care of him. That is why he is not afraid, but can calmly face his foes. (from The Living Bible)
So, now for some updates....
I am sorry I am just now posting this, but this past May I found out that my sweet little Matisse, whom I fostered, passed away. I was devasted. He went back to his maternal grandmother and her family a year ago. I knew this and wasn't too thrilled because I figured they wouldn't really be able to care for him because of how poor they were. Sure enough, mine and The Nest Orphanage's concerns were right. Matisse had a bout with diarrehea and he became dehydrated and died. They simply didn't have enough water for him! This unfortunately is all too common here. So senseless really when you think about it. So please remember to pray for the orphans and those without the basics of water and food. You really don't understand the enormity of it until you experience stories like Matisse's and others. It is a way of life here for them unfortunately.
Though Matisse's news was so awful, God really showed up for the kids in the Mararui slum. Garry, Brenda, myself and others from New Song Nairobi ministered for 3 days to about 300 kids. They were fed hearty beans and rice and heard the Gospel, worshipped and had fun with Garry and Brenda's puppet ministry - The Whimblies. What a wonderful experience. Thank you Lord for making yourself real to those blessed children. I pray for continued outpouring of Your love and saving power in their lives.
*Please remember to keep those children in your prayers - many go without food for days.
The summer quickly approached after the VBS and I found myself heading to the states for time with family and friends. It was relaxing and fun at my mom's out in the country with MOST of my 15 nieces and nephews, but after that... it was busy! I went to Colorado to see my sister's new wonderful life and headed to Tennessee to be a part of one of many of God's miracles - a baby being born! My best friend Darci gave birth to an adorable baby boy, Nehemiah Arrow McCoy. He stole my heart! It was a home birth and I felt so honored to be a part of that day.. this is my 5th delivery to be a part of!! I think I should start counting those hours towards a midwifery or doula certification... :) right.
(pic taken an hour after her water her broke... a long night awaited us!)
So now I'm back and full and ready for another year at Rosslyn Academy. I will be teaching Elementary and High School this year and must say I feel a little unprepared for High School but God's grace is getting me through those crazy days (I just found out when i returned that high school needed my services). I ask for your prayers for the kids there. Although it is a school that primarily caters to missionary kids, many that go there are not Christian. Last year we saw some come to Christ. It is a mission field and I feel honored to be a part of it. Please pray that God would use me daily in their lives in a very real way.
So as I sit here and think back to the last few months, I truly stand in awe of God's goodness and mercy to see His hand upon my journey and those around me. Through the saddness and questions to what seems unfair or unjust, I still know He has a divine plan. When it seems to be unclear as to the direction He has me heading in, I choose to focus and take comfort in knowing that it is His hand leading and guiding the way. It is a simple path really. A path that says to trust and have faith in where it is taking me. A path that doesn't give in to doubt or worry. But one that says to take each step in faith. I realize that it isn't "simple" in the slightest when we are looking at it through our own eyes - with limited vision. But when you see through Christ's eyes, it becomes simple. It is obvious and then you desire that eveything you do and say and think matches up with a Saviour who isn't complicated, but simple. It's a simple word with profound consequences - "love." Christ's love changes everything and everyone! His love begins to overflow and truly changes the direction you were headed into a wild romance with God. Everyone's path is different, but hopefully everyone's desire is the same and that is to hear that final welcome that says "well done thy good and faithful servant!" The power of His love is changing me and I sit here a new woman. I look with an expectant heart and eyes to this path that He has set before me and I step out in FAITH with arms open and eyes fixed on my King. Will you join me?
Many, many blessings!!