As many of you know, I teach at a missions/international school where I am fortunate to have the freedom to teach of the love of Christ. I have High School ELLs (English Language Learners) and two of them are from China and are Atheist. There are plenty of other good seculiar international schools for them to attend, so why their parents have them come here only makes me believe that God is in it.. and indeed He has been. I have been praying for these students, Amy and Tian, that God would show Himself to them and He did! The beginning of the year Amy would come to me with questions and in our dialogue journals we would write to each other back and forth and I would challenge her about questions she had about God and who He was. Well after weeks of this, she gave her life to the Lord during our Spiritual Emphasis Week! It has been awesome to see her grow and how God is allowing me to be used as a mentor in her life. She is the sweetest 17 yr old and I asked her last week how she was doing with her journey, and she smiled really big and said that it has made all the difference in her life. Tian on the other hand is skeptical, but God can scale any wall put up.. please pray for Tian.
Also, 2 weeks ago I had the privilege of going to the coast with a group of friends. I had experienced some spiritual challenges the week leading up to that trip so I wasn't as excited as I usually was in heading there.. I was exhausted. BUT, God once again, showed Himself soo very faithful. Every morning I would wake up (without an alarm.. miracle for me) really early and I would head down to the beach and read, journal and pray. I met a Muslim man named Hassan and he was on the beach early selling local crafts. He would approach me as I was reading the Bible and we would make small talk. The second morning he was out there again and we begun talking about his faith and mine.. I sensed he was searching because he said that he hadn't been going to mosque and was feeling confused, but being Muslim was all he knew. After much sharing, I prayed with him and gave him my Bible to read for the next week that I was going to be there. I pointed him to John and told him to start there. I begin to see him everyday asking if he was reading and if he had questions.. he did and I answered the best that i could. The last day I was there, he approached me again and asked that he and I walk out to the reef. I was literally leaving in a couple of hours, so I said that I quickly would go with him... we talked and he told me that he wanted to know this Jesus that he was reading about, that he felt different and alive when he read out of the New Testament. I prayed with him right during low tide and he accepted Christ as his Saviour! What a day! I pointed him to a local church there that I knew of. We keep in touch now via email and below is his first email to me.. thought you would like to read:
Hi my friend,
Sounds very nice to hear from you as i was eagerly waiting at least a word from you, congratulations. Frankly speaking it was so nice and glad for me to meet you, the teachings you provided me with are good, surely you took me away from fire and brought me to LIGHT, God bless you. My faith in christ is strong as i always pray to him or praise Him. I Surely have a lot to say but in brief, it was like good luck for me that GOD sent you to save my life, thank you. Mean while i wish you all the best and hope to hear from you soon,
With kind regards,
Lastly, I would like to tell you of my time minstering with the women of Karanga Prison in Central Provence, Kenya which one of my friends, Pastor James, invited me to come. What a wonderful day that was as I felt so poured out and filled with the love and peace of God. My friend Melody and I were able to speak to the women as well as Pastor James and others. It was a Spirit-led time and the women there received us warmly. 20 women attended and 5 gave their lives to Christ! It was awesome and I was so humbled by the experience. I am talking to Pastor James about going back and having water baptisims there.. please pray God makes a way for that to happen.
There just isn't enough space to speak of how faithful God has been this past Harvest season.. He truly is gathering in those who desire to know him.. whether Atheist, Muslim or imprisoned.. He is a God who draws ALL men to Him.
Thank you from my deepest heart for the prayers and support that is given to me.. it is felt.
May God Bless You this Thanksgiving!
Karanga Women's Prison |
bringing clothes for the women to have when they are released |
the ladies |
Pastor James and I on an ever-crowded matatu |