...behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. -John 4:35

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Learning to be flexible...


It's been a few weeks since my last blog...i get so busy and am honestly too tired to write at times...forgive me.

I am almost in my 4th week of school and I have to say it has been somewhat frustrating. In the beginning I was so excited about my new big classroom. I stayed late everyday and on the weekends fixing it up, making it look fantastic. THEN, last week I was informed that they needed me to move out of my classroom because they were adding another class to one of the grades and me having the smallest number of students made it ideal for the other class to move in. SO, with a smile on my face and frustration filling up inside of me...I moved to a very small classroom which used to be the boardroom. After all that, 2 days ago one of the teachers informed me they have scheduled a 3 day major event and will need my room for it because....they can't imagine the meetings being held anywhere else!!! I find that hard to believe, but once again, I am being stretched like a rubber-band...flexibility is being mastered in my life :)

I have discovered that to be sent on the mission field you have to go with the flow so to speak. Surprises await you around every corner and if you don't have any expectations, you won't be disappointed. After all, the reason I am here is to serve, not to be served. And what seems to be a frustrating event but not "life altering" turns for the good. I looove my new cozy room!! I have created it into a beautiful place that the children love. It is more private than the last one. I have my own private courtyard surrounded by beautiful flora where the children and I can teach outside on nice days (which is everyday) AND there is the most wonderful avocado tree right outside my room....YUMMY!! So they can have my room for 3 days...I'll teach outside...no biggie in the scheme of things, right?

I have learned alot about myself moving out here. The old way of doing things, the thinking, is quickly being sloughed off. It just doesn't work out here and if you bring that way of thinking here with you, then you will be a miserable person. And who wants to be miserable?? Actually - I am wrong, it shouldn't matter about location. God is the same and we all are dealt with things that gives us a chance to be stretched. And I truly believe God allows these tiny or huge events to frequently appear in our lives. It is all about revealing less of us and more of Him!

I have a feeling more surprises await me here.... who knows..they might just tell me to permanetly teach outdoors :)